Ouch I don't like biopsies!

"Good morning Ms Lyons, I'm Dr. Jones" and I'm gonna hurt you"! Now if I had heard my doctor say that I would have run like hell out of that office but of course he didn't say that so I didn't run. In hind site, I should have! Because let me tell you, if you've never had the experience of having a cervical biopsy, you haven't lived! True it doesn't take too long and the excruciating pain only last for a few minutes but you're still laying there naked, feet in stirrups and it feels like your insides are being pulled out! Men just don't have a clue what we women have to go through, now I know they will argue that they have to have their prostate checked, so what! We have to have that back end part checked too and that's after the cold steel spreads and plucks away on our female parts. Phew! I'm glad that is over and let me get my clothes on and out of this office as fast as my feet will take me!

Having said all that what I found out is that I have to see another oncologist because doc Jones feels it's better for me since the cystic legion on my ovary is questionable and the only way to find out if it's a malignant type legion is by taking out the old ovaries. Of course that can't be done until I finish my chemo treatments but doc Jones says this other doctor can keep an eye on the area and be ready to go with surgery when I am finished with chemo.

Now I know EXACTLY the same thing that I knew before I went to the doctor this morning that the cystic legion could or could not be cancerous but because of my history of cancer, (this recent breast cancer is my history) the type of legion and the blood work that is in the gray area, the best course of action according to doc Jones is to see a oncologist surgeon who specializes in this area. I'll see him Monday morning and don't you know I just can't wait to heist my legs up in those stirrups again!!!!

I'm happy to report that I ate a whopper after my doctor visit this morning! It was sloppy and along with those fries and coke it was just what I ORDERED! Bet you thought I was gonna say what the doctor ordered.. hmmm no he ordered a painful biopsy, I'll take a whopper anyday! LOL Stay tuned more adventures on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Sam,

    You are waaayyy too cool! I know you are a tough cookie and you can't get those at Burger King! LOL Almost as good as sharing a large fries in the parking lot with a whole bottle of ketchup! LOL

    I know it ain't funny but you are a good writer and I like following your story! What an attitude! You are the greatest!


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