Get Them Wigs Ready Girls!

Hello there! Here's an update regarding my doctor visits today. Dr. Hagans, my surgeon said I'm healing well and I'll see him again in 4 weeks. Dr. Harrington, my oncologist and a woman was very nice and thorough. She is ordering a CAT scan to see if I have a brain, some kind of heart test to determine the kind of chemo I will have because there is one kind that can weaken your heart and a ultra sound to make sure the mass on my ovary is only a cyst. These test can be done in Batesville and hopefully will be done in the next day or so. After those test are completed and Dr. Harrington has the result she will set up a time for Dr. Hagans to insert an IPORT which is under the skin so the chemo and blood labs can all be taken from that, at least I think that's what she said. I will have 6 chemo treatments of one every three weeks. After that I will have 6 weeks of radiation and then after that I will take a pill for a long time. They will give me a nausea drug before each chemo treatment and two pills to take after each treatment as well as a prescription for something to take as needed. There's a 50/50 chance I'll lose my hair, but I'm prepared I got lots of wigs, caps, do rags, and scarves thanks to Barbara, Michelle and Tina! I even have a really green one for luck to wear on the days of chemo! It looks like I'll most likely be starting chemo sometime next week which Dr. Harrington said would be better than this week anyway to give my body another week to heal from the surgery.

Looks like we're on a roll here! So thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers! I do appreciate them all so much! I'll send along a pic of the green'll be good for a laugh or maybe even as a garden deterrent! LOL

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