# 5 On the downhill slide!

Well here it is Memorial Day Weekend at the end of May and whod'a thought in January that I'd be in chemotherapy. Life just happens and even though we can plan for our retirement, for our vacations, to plant a garden, do this or that, we can't nor do we want to plan for cancer. When it happens we just deal with it and do what we have to get through the best we can.

That's what I've done for the past few months and now I'm finished with round number 5 of my 6 rounds of chemo. It certainly is very draining and I find myself getting exhausted very easily these days. My fingernails and toenails are turning dark, my skin is getting dryer, and my mouth is much more sensitive. I have to use a baby tooth brush or sometimes just qutips because my gums bleed so easily. My head is very sore and I'm not sure if I'm growing or losing more hair. LOL

These things are really only trivial compared to the havoc that others have to endure. I still feel very fortunate that my body is tolerating the chemo this well. I can paint my nails to cover up the dark ugly nails, use buckets of udder cream to put moisture back in my skin, rinse my mouth with the baking soda and salt rinse and take lots of Tylenol for the aches and pains that the Neulasta shot causes. These things are only temporary and soon my chemo will be complete.

After my last chemo, I'll have more scans and if they are all clear then I'll start the 6 weeks of radiation. Although I'm certainly not looking forward to that, it's just yet another process in the road to recovery and that is the name of the game. RECOVERY!

Have a great holiday weekend and since it's Memorial Day Weekend.. makes some memories!


  1. Wow what a great attitude ... good for you.

    Hope the radiation goes well too.

  2. Yes , cancer is something no one even wants to think about , must less have , but when it happened you have to deal with it the best you can and you have delt with it really well , i am very proud of you . You know I've alwayd said life is like a hiway . bumps, detours , hills to clim curves to make , and there is alot of beautiful places also so keep on trucking sweetie you will get past all the bad stuff ; love u Mom

  3. Hey Sam,
    Having a great weekend with A...and hope you are enjoying the weekend the same way. I am so proud of you for enduring the Chemo as well as you have. Last one on June 10 and it will be all over.

    Stay well and keep up the PMA!!!

    Love you!



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