Hump day, mmm interesting saying isn't it? So today I'm feeling fine actually and that after the hump day, things will be even better. I have felt a just a little achy thing here and there and that's about it. Maybe that Neulasta shot is worth the money.
Can you believe that shot cost 3800 dollars wholesale? What the heck does it have in there, Debbie said to make sure that the needle had a gold tip when they gave it to me at that price!
I go tomorrow to the vampire to drain my blood for the cbc count. Of course we're so far out here in the sticks at Batesville that they have to send the blood to Little Rock or Jonesboro first. Now really I don't guess Batesville is in the sticks, it just seems so isolated sometimes from everywhere because it's in a hole. It's really a beautiful little town and I shouldn't complain, but hey I want to it makes me feel better so I will!
Now that I got that out of my system, I can go to bed and feel relief! I'm so glad I had this time to share my frustration with you all! I tried yelling at my husband but I forgot I don't have one, I guess that chemo brain has already set in... I need to put that down for further reference. I DON'T HAVE A HUSBAND TO YELL AT..........STOP BEFORE YOU GET LARYNGITIS!
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