Remember the movie "Groundhog Day? You know Bill Murray kept reliving the day over and over and over again until he was a changed man I guess and appeared to have a heart and then the spell was broken. Wouldn't it be great sometimes to be able to relive some of our days, the good ones of course over again? If we could pick and choose a day which one would you pick?
I don't think I could really choose a particular day to relive, I've had some very wonderful days in my life and a ton of them before I found out I had breast cancer. Surely I could find one of those and choose it and relive it a few times before moving into the future and the now of treatments and the waiting game of cancer, but to tell you the truth, yesterday was a brilliant day!
My visit with Lisa was great, the weather was beautiful so we got out yesterday for a ride and a little hike down to "Collins Creek" in Heber Springs. Evie, Lisa's daughter and Sullivan, my friend Katie's daughter had tons of fun exploring and climbing around on those rocks and in that cold water. It's only a short hike down to the creek from the parking area and it's such a beautiful place. I would love to have a house right down there! It's quite a popular place it seems because every time I've been there's always people, especially with kids who love to take their shoes off and play in that cold water.
After our little hike and playing in the water we came back to Batesville and ate Chinese. Katie and her husband Shane met us at the Chinese restaurant to pick up Sullivan who had spent the nite with Evie. They had become fast friends and just couldn't be pulled apart on the nite before. My house was alive with the sounds of two precocious girls bouncing all around the house. Charlie, my dog, loved it but he was absolutely worn out as was I. At the end of the day I realized that I'm too old for children on a daily basis but, it was a lovely day and I wouldn't mind reliving that one again.
I changed my mind this afternoon and decided to drive down to Little Rock in the morning. It seems I've developed one of the side effects that I'd rather not talk about but let's just say I wouldn't want to be out on the highway too far from as the English say A LOO! Let's hope the Imodium AD works well by the time I have to leave in the morning. Can't wait to get this appointment over with tomorrow so I'll be back here after that and who knows it may be possible that I will actually know something more about that dang cyst problem! I'm not gonna hold my breath though!
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