Since I was diagnosed with BC last week I've been so touched by love, caring and kindness of others that's it's been a times overwhelming. During the past week I've been overwhelmed and because I know that I have the love, support and prayers of a lot of people I have strength and courage to face whatever will be coming my way.
Today I just want to say what these words mean to me. Hope, Faith, Love, Courage and Strength. I found courage to face the fact that I have BC and to tell others and it is because of their love for me that I find the strength everyday when I wake up and the first thing I think is "oh yeah, I have BC and it isn't just a dream" to go on and get ready to go into work. It's easy to be positive when I know others are looking at me to see how I am presenting myself. And I am so fortunate to have the honor to work with some caring and loving people who've offered their time to take off from work to take me to doctors appointments or treatments or to stay with me and my hand or the trash can ...or whatever I need. Some people just say that and you know they don't really mean it. or they do mean it, but it's just something they say in passing. I KNOW my friends MEAN IT!
This week when I went to get a haircut I told my hairdresser, Michelle, that I had BC, she was very positive and supportive and we talked the way you do with your hairdresser about this and that. She wouldn't let me pay for my haircut and she gave me the cap I am wearing in my pics and said that she wanted me to wear it to my treatments and have faith that I was going to be okay. I was very touched and again felt blessed. So here's a plug for Michelles' Spa and Salon....YOU ROCK MICHELLE!!!
Yesterday I recieved a small package in the mail from Cordova TN. I didn't recognize the name of the package but thought I used to know people there because I lived in Memphis for a long time and worked near Cordova. When I opened the package, inside was card that spoke of finding out you have cancer and knowing that there is hope. The lady wrote me a personal message that said my name came to her from her cousin who was a friend of a friend of mine. She just wanted to send this braclet to let me know that she was praying for me and to give me hope because she was a survivor. I stood there with tears running down my face because this woman I didn't even know had taken the time to make this beautiful braclet and send it to me. I called my friend and thanked him and he told me, "Sam" he calls me that, you have people praying for you all over AR and TN .
So many special people in my life have shown me love, have given me hope for a full recovery, the courage to get up each day to face whatever comes along, the strength in those moments when I start to doubt, and all this combined has restored my faith and I feel so blessed to know that surely their is a higher power, a God who has put these people in my life..
So thank you all so much for your words of enourgement, support and your prayers... And as another friend says.. KEEP A PMA... A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE!!! :)
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