Just wanted to post this, I found it on the chemocare.com site a Scot Hamilton program initative...and my favorite figure skater of all time! It was posted by Greg a cancer survivor and I think it applies to everyone, not only those of us who have or have had cancer. It's when we do go through our darkest times that we realize this very first lesson is what helps us to learn and understand the other 5 lessons.
6 Lessons I learned from my cancer
Lesson #1: Many more people genuinely care about you than you can possibly know - and they are ready to do everything in their power to help you through your treatment.
Lesson #2: God is NOT mean - sometimes bad things happen to good people.
Lesson #3: All big words have simple explanations - you just have to keep asking until you get it.
Lesson #4: Not all doctors are very good; but some doctors are outstanding; and personally dedicated to making you get well again. The same can be said for Nurses, Radiation Techs, and Receptionists. Take the time to find the really good ones.
Lesson #5: It's OK to have a bad day. You're sick; you don't have to happy about it.
Lesson #6: You're a LOT tougher than you think you are - you CAN DO this.
These are really good lessons from life. Too bad we have to have something like this to make us all realize that we have friends that care,that there are really good doctors and it's OK to have a bad day. We are all hanging in there with you. You are tough and you are going to make it even if you do look like a dandilion. LOL