It was a great day on Saturday before Easter after my third chemo and I'm halway there to the finish line! Yippee!!!! Jimmie is an excellent host and he always teases me about his bed & breakfast accomodations, but in truth, it's much better than any places I've stayed. His beautiful river house has seen guest from all around the country and he's even had a wedding there on his dock. So I'm very grateful that he takes the time out of his busy schedule to be my friend and to go with me through this chemo ride. Not only does he take me to my chemo treatment but he provides me with a comforting place to rest and relax after each treatment. God is great isn't he to bring folks like this into your life!
Saturday morning we got up and took Jimmie's fishing boat to the river ramp to launch it so we could float downstream. It was quite an adventure since it was the first time it had been put in the water and we didn't know exactly how it was going to run. Well it spit and sputted and then it just putter along, quitting a couple times at which time Jimmie had to pull start the engine again. That was okay because he sat back by the motor while I got to drive the boat. We made the three mile trip down river to his house and docked.
After getting refreshments, you gotta have those when you fish, Jimmie showed me how to bait a hook with some stinky bait and how to cast the rod. My first catch of the day was tree, mmmm delicious! After a few tries I did manage to get the hook into the right area around the dock and set the pole down and take my place in the chair. NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL FISHING! Jimmie kept telling me I would know when I had a bite and sure enough when that line started tugging I realed in a HUGE FISH.. look in the picture! Well maybe it wasn't huge, but I can't ever remember catching a fish so it was HUGE to me! Never fear though the little thing was happy to be set free and swim back under the dock to grow up and be caught again someday.
Karen came over and we went for another boat ride. This time we went back up the river all the way to the dam as far as you can take your boat and then we took the boat out of the water. It was a great day for a ride, a little windy but the sun felt good and thankfully I had enough energy to get through the day and enjoy it. After a delcious dinner with the neigbors I was completely exhuasted but feeling very happy.
Easter Sunday was rainy and cool and I felt the brunt of my chemo and Nuelasta shot and didn't make it to church. Those body aches and some of those other uncomfortable side effects took over and I was wiped out for most of the day. Still no nausea or throwing up and I'm grateful for that and not complaining but my energy level is really low right now. Even after a good nights sleep on Sunday I wasn't energized by Monday and only worked through noon. I've rested and slept most of the afternoon but I still feel very tired. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
I've come to understand the "exhausted" phase of chemo...and I must admit, I DON'T LIKE IT VERY MUCH! I do know that I have to listen to my body and get rest but it really is a pain when the energy levels have been so great. You think I can't believe I'm going through chemo and then it hits! Pure exhaustion and feeling like you've worked all day long doing manual labor. But kick that ol PMA (positive mental attitude) in and say... this too shall pass! The good days outweigh the bad and that's a good thing! (gosh, do I sound like Martha Stewart)? oh my gawd! LOL
Hey Sam,
ReplyDeleteIt was a good weekend! I enjoyed your company and it is always good to talk with you. Watching you catch that fish was fun for me! Next time we'll catch some to eat. I too enjoyed the boat ride. When we took the boat out of the water, remember the two guys that helped put the boat on the trailer? Remember what Karen asked, "Does Jimmie know those guys?" You told her no but people on the river are really friendly and willing to help. God really is good to send people like that into our lives and they are everywhere!
Hope you are feeling better! I'm looking forward to your next visit. Congratulations on being half way... YEA!!!