Wow it's been too long since I've written anything here and I thought I should at least put down a few words. I've been doing great, everything is clear and my blood work is good just still a bit low in iron. So I've been taking iron supplements and hopefully that will help. I'm scheduled to see my oncologist this month but just hoping and expecting good news.
Tomorrow night, June 11th is our Relay for Life here in Independence county AR. I started a team this year and named it PMA (positive mental attitude) after my good friend Len who has been so encouraging through my whole process. He's our honorary team captain and I know he will be with us in spirit tomorrow night as we walk for those who have won the fight and also in memory of those who haven't. It's a bit ironic that the Relay is on the 11th because it's just one day off my last chemo treatment last year. I walked in the survivors lap last year even though I was still in treatment, this year I will really feel like a survivor, for this year anyway! One year at a time right?
I've had survivors tell me that they had just as soon not have anything to do with cancer relays or anything because they want to forget all about their struggle. As for me, I NEVER WANT TO FORGET! I want to remember that life is precious and that this disease kills so many people every year and I won't stop giving back when I can and as much as I can until the word CANCER is just a memory in history which I hope will happen in my lifetime.
Tonight I am looking forward to walking the 'survivors lap' and for the luminary ceremony that will pay tribute to those who are still with us and for those whose memory we hold dear in our hearts. And I thank you God for another day to remember that you have given me another chance at this precious thing called LIFE!